Ryde Arena Trust will continue to reach out to businesses and the community to help make the ice rink a profitable business. Ryde Arena currently employs more than 30 people.

“Like all these facilities it’s been asset stripped. No monies have been spent to keep it up to scratch in years,” Chair of the trust Ian Jenkins tells Island Business.  “We need to go out to the community again to get some more donations to raise capital. We need to be able to pump prime this facility in the early weeks until cash flow starts to stabilise. For any Islanders who want to give money they can do so through Facebook and on-line.

“Going forward, Ryde Arena Limited will look to control cost by reviewing staff rotas and opening hours. We will look to make sure the ice rink pays for itself. To do this we will build up the dry side income and maximise the arena income (when it’s not being used as an ice rink). We need profitable working relationships with all the outside users, the Raiders, skaters and stakeholders and I will be talking to Ryde Town Council and the IW Chamber Of Commerce too.”


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