The Isle of Wight Council’s public health service is working with Chamber Health and the Island’s Stop Smoking Service to offer advice, support and guidance to smokers to help them quit.

A road show is being held in St James’ Square in Newport between 10.30am and 2pm and also at Cowes Medical Centre between 9am and 1pm tomorrow (12 March).

At the road show, advisors from Chamber Health will be on hand to give advice on ways to give up smoking.

Angela Harding is from Chamber Health and says there’s many incentives to quit. She said: “After just 24 hours of giving up, your lungs already start to clear themselves of nasty substances like nicotine and carbon monoxide. In the following months, people who stopped smoking will find they can breathe easier and stop wheezing.Giving up can also save lots of money. For example, if you smoked 20 a day but gave up, you would save nearly £3000 a year. Just imagine what you can buy for that. A holiday of a lifetime, a car, a new kitchen for example. The incentives are there and we want to help as many people as possible to quit smoking.”

Phil Jordan is the Isle of Wight Council cabinet member responsible for health and added: “I would encourage anyone who wants help or information on the best way to successfully quit to visit the mobile road show tomorrow or call Chamber Health on 554545. Any scheme to help improve the health of Islander’s is a welcome one and many people will be supported trying to quit smoking.”

Since April 2013, the Island’s Stop Smoking Service has supported nearly 2,000 in their quest to quit smoking, with more than half successfully giving up smoking for good. Research shows people are four times more likely to be a successful quitter if they get support through the local stop smoking service.

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