The Chamber of Commerce Gateway plus scheme in conjunction with Reed recruitment is now open and we can submit new applications with immediate effect.

To apply, you must complete the Job Placement template and this application form – At question 6, please choose IW Chamber of Commerce as your local Chamber.

We have a limited number of vacancies available, and all applications will be processed on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

Why should I sign up to the Kickstart Scheme?

• Your business will be set to benefit, flourish and grow by taking on these young people full of energy, new ideas and digital know-how.

• You will feel you are playing your part in helping with the wider post-pandemic economic recovery.

• You will have a young person working for you for six months, funded by the Government

As your chosen Gateway Plus organisation, Reed will provide a full wrap-around support service which includes:

•  Employing and payrolling your Kickstarter – no cashflow worries

•  Coordinating the application and approval process with DWP

• Ensuring all aspects of compliance and administration for funding

• Providing DWP approved Employability Skills Training

• Supporting with a Learning Mentor who will work with the Kickstarter throughout their six-month training.

• Supplying a record of achievement and certificate of completion to take forward to their next employment.

• With this fully supported package, you will also receive a £200 start-up grant when a Kickstarter starts working for you.

Important points:
– You must complete all areas highlighted in yellow on the Job Placement template.  Any omissions will result in us being unable to proceed with your application – We are unable to accept your application without both the Job Placement template and the application form being completed
– You must return the Job Placement template as a saved word document only (PDF cannot be accepted)
– We will only be accepting a maximum of 2 roles per employer to ensure as many employers as possible have an opportunity to recruit a Kickstart candidate
– Both the application form and accompanying Job Placement template will be processed in date and time order

If your Job Placement template and online application have been completed correctly, we will pass the information on to DWP for final approval and processing.  Please allow 5 working days for this to be processed – we will be in touch with you when this is complete.

We will be in touch with you if your Job Placement template is incomplete or incorrect.

If your application is approved by the DWP, they will then advertise the role at your local job centre.  You will receive an update with next steps at this point, but please bear in mind it can take up to 3 weeks for your vacancy to become ‘live’ and for you to start receiving referrals.

The deadline for you to submit your online application form and return your completed Job Placement template is 21st January 2022. You can submit this directly to or if you need assistance.


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Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce
Island Business March / April 2025