Our Patrons

The IW Chamber is very excited to be able to launch a Patron Scheme for the benefit and enhancement of its members.

The scheme has been constructed to add value to all size of business and promote ongoing and closer working relationships between the Chamber and its Members.

There will be three levels of Patronage, offering different enhancement packages for each of the tiers.

Gold Patronage will be an exclusive, one Patron per year offer, giving ‘Title Sponsorship’ for the Chamber Business Awards amongst the benefits package. 
(As Gold Patronage is only available to one member per year, the Patron will be selected via a process of a sealed ‘best and final’ auction, with a minimum bid criteria.)

Silver Patronage will be limited to eight Members, one of the Highlights being membership of a newly formed ‘Chamber’s Executive Leaders Club’.

Bronze Patronage will give excellent value added to all who join, giving enhanced profile and exposure to the businesses involved. Further details about Bronze Patronage.

As a business operator, standing out from the crowd is all important, how does a customer determine who to choose for a product or service? The Chamber Patron logo could be the defining factor in that decision making, giving the customer a sense of comfort in that business’s association with the IW Chamber. Many of the benefits are clear, defined with a tangible Return On Investment (ROI), some are less obvious, such as the value of perception, but they all contribute to make Patronage a real ‘value add’ to those who join.

If you are interested in Patron Scheme please contact Steven Holbrook, IW Chamber CEO,  steven.holbrook@iwchamber.co.uk

Island Business March / April 2025

Island Business March / April 2025



12mar9:00 am11:00 amNetworking Brunch at The Garlic Farm

20mar9:30 am4:00 pmRed Funnel Business Start Up Course

24mar9:00 am12:30 pmFire Marshal Course – Delivered by Good Skills Training

27mar9:30 am11:00 amMembers Exclusive Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary Tour


04apr7:30 am9:00 amNetworking Breakfast at the Chequers

22apr10:30 am12:30 pmMembers Exclusive Robin Hill Tour

24apr9:30 am4:00 pmRed Funnel Business Start Up Course

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