Martin Newnham enjoyed his Christmas even more this year with the help of a £4,000 win on the Isle Of Wight Lottery.

“I was gobsmacked to win,” said Martin. “It’s a lot of money and I couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the day at work.”

Martin works at Gurit and he’s been playing the Isle Of Wight Lottery since 2012. Like thousands of Islanders he joined through his company payroll. His two numbers paid off and Martin was able to put his winnings towards Christmas and paying off a summer holiday in the USA.

The next big award will be £10,000 on the 29th of January. Zoe Stroud from the Chamber says: “We can’t wait to give away a life changing amount of money. It’s still only a pound to play the Isle Of Wight Lottery each week and it’s all supporting real jobs here on the Island.”

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