WP Recruitment’s Defib gift to Newport

WP Recruitment’s Defib gift to Newport

A brand new 24 hour access Defibrillator is now available in Newport. The unit has been paid for by WP Recruitment & HR Ltd and can be found in their car park on Mill Street. It was installed by Berry Electrical with the assistance of the Ambulance Training...
Discounted travel for Apprentices

Discounted travel for Apprentices

Island apprentices can now benefit from cheaper bus travel as part of a bid to encourage sustainable transport. Connect To Work – the project to promote work-based sustainable travel – has agreed a deal with Southern Vectis to enable apprentices to benefit from an 80...
WRS orders first Island Meeting Pod

WRS orders first Island Meeting Pod

WRS Systems is the first Island business to make a ‘pod’ part of their office. Last year the software business relocated to bigger office premises in Newport’s St Cross Business Park. Their business and team have expanded significantly in the last year and WRS was...
Chartered recognition for Island tree consultant

Chartered recognition for Island tree consultant

Tree consultant Wayne Isaacson is proud to have achieved chartered status for his work on all tree related matters and is now the only Chartered Arboriculturist currently on the Isle of Wight. This high-level qualified grade, established by The Institute of Chartered...
IW Chamber Business Awards 2019

IW Chamber Business Awards 2019

The date has been set for the biggest night of the year for the Island’s business community. The 2019 Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce Business Awards for Excellence will be presented on Friday 18th October 2019 in a glittering ceremony at Cowes Yacht Haven’s Events...

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