Charities are the winner from Star Wars

Charities are the winner from Star Wars

Ben Allen recently completed his gruelling 245km, 7-day walk from St. James Square in Newport to London, dressed as a Star Wars Stormtrooper. The walk, sponsored by WightFibre raised over £6,000 for the Joe Ellis Trust including a £1,000 donation directly from...
250,000th pint of Fuggle served at The Anchor

250,000th pint of Fuggle served at The Anchor

Since making its first order of Goddards Fuggle­Dee­Dum on 16th January 1995, staff at The Anchor in Cowes have kept a tally of precisely how many pints they have served. They have now pulled their 250,000th pint, ordered by Anchor Inn regular Kevin Fisher. Placed...
Top of the tree

Top of the tree

Island based independent arboricultural consultant Wayne Isaacson has been awarded the prestigious RFS /Lockhart Garratt award for excellence. The award is widely considered the toughest qualification and award for arboriculture. Presenting Wayne with his award,...
Awards nomination for “floating classroom”

Awards nomination for “floating classroom”

Red Funnel has been shortlisted for a national educational award, recognising inspiring experiences for young people outside the classroom. Red Funnel believes it’s the first ferry company in the UK to develop a significant bank of curriculum linked pre-visit,...

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